Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Advocacy Groups That Stand For Pro Choice - 1547 Words

Over several centuries and in different cultures, there is a rich history of women helping each other to abort. Until the late 1800s, women healers in Western Europe and the U.S. provided abortions and trained other women to do so, without legal prohibitions. There were many different ways they attempted to do this procedure; such as a pennyroyal tea, which according to Thorpe, is toxic at just five grams. They believed that jumping and kicking yourself in the buttocks would also make a women have a miscarriage. Sitting over a pot of hot onions, and using camel saliva, ants, and deer hair was also a popular way to have an abortion back then. In today’s society abortion has become a major social issue that will never be resolved. It is a topic that some people avoid in our society. They would rather pretend it does not excite than recognize it as part in our society. The two advocacy groups that stand firm in their moral beliefs are conservatives who stand for pro-life and libe rals who stand for pro-choice. They do not take this issue lightly, there has been countless debates about whether it is murder or not. However, it always ends the same way with now solution. There are four major points to look at when discussing the issue of abortion, legal precedence, human rights, religion and when life beings. It is important to look at what functions do these point play in society and what conflicts it has in society. During the past 40 years, federal courts, specifically theShow MoreRelatedAarp1008 Words   |  5 PagesAustin Braham The American Association of Retired Persons is a powerful special interest group that protects the interests of retirees across the US by lobbying politicians to pass legislation in the organization’s favor. Inside you will find detailed information outlining AARP’s mission, purpose, and scope. 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