Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Telecommunication and Growth Evolutionary Process

Question: Discuss about the Telecommunication and Growth for Evolutionary Process. Answer: Introduction: In order to cope up with the growing competition in the telecommunication market, every company is coming out newer and newer schemes. Therefore in order to keep up with such markers and to get competitive advantage from it, business analysts and researchers continuously need to perform their researches well so that the company does not face loss. Therefore, Batelco Company also needs to produce schemes which would not only help them to survive the competition but also should be unique enough to gain attentions. Batelco Telecommunications is a leading telecommunication company that has been successful in creating a perfect consumer base who has immense trust in the brand name. However, in the recent generation, growth of many small telecommunications with lucrative schemes for both postpaid and prepaid connections have attracted many consumers from all over Bahrain. Therefore Batelco has faced severe losses in the past few years while tackling such sudden changes in market demands. Moreover, a package of postpaid or prepaid connections with discounts on internet packages in different other companies have attracted consumers which resulted in severe loss faced by the company. Hence, meetings had been conducted to propose new initiatives to get back the consumer base of Batelco. Schemes are proposed which include postpaid connections that will accompany free internet for using social media apps like face book, twitter, YouTube and Whatsapp. These schemes will include particular plans for postpaid calling and texting, In addition to this package of postpaid, free internet gigabytes are provided which can help consumers to access the apps without additional subscription. Objective: The main objective for introducing the proposal to attract the consumer base that had opted for other telecommunication systems due to their cheap rate of internet packages which Batelco had failed to provide. Free usage of the social media app will attract the old consumers of Batelco as well as the huge mass of the teenagers and young adults who always remain hooked to social media. The pricing has to be made lucrative so that it can attract the young generation but at the same time should not be less enough so that the profit margin is too low. The effect of pricing can be masked by different additional features like free internet, easy recharge schemes, caller tones and others so that consumers can feel that they are getting much more than normal and are being benefitted. Hence the pricing should be prepared by the experts which proper calculations and analysis. Proper approaches would only follow after business analysts and experts decide the rate of different packages that could be introduced which not only would be lucrative to consumers but also will bring success to the net profit of the company. Hence 6 months are allotted for the experts to arrange the plans. 3 months are allotted for the preparation of introduction of the plans into the market. This would include profit analysis, workforce and consumer representative preparation. Another 2 moths would be required for marketing strategies. From the response created, one would then decide the time of introduction of the plans in the market. Therefore altogether, 1 year should be kept in hand for preparation and implementation of the plan till consumers gets the chance to use it. This would require entire year of 2017. From December of the same year, the company can hope to see the success. Conclusion: Providing free internet for social networking instead of discounted packages of networking like other companies would give them a foothold in the competition. However they would never suffer loss as the usage of internet would be restricted to four social apps only. This scheme is expected to help Batelco gain back his old consumer base and at the same time get back the success rates that it used to achieve References: Asiri, B.K. and Al-Mossawi, M.M., 2014. The Reaction of Investors to Marketing and Financial Announcements in the Telecommunication Sector.International Journal of Business and Social Science,5(11). Freeman, Roger L.Telecommunication system engineering. Vol. 82. John Wiley Sons, 2015. Hussain, Marwan Rajeh, Abduljalil Zainal, Wael Mohamed Elmedany, and Mohamed Waleed Fakhr. "Telematics Business and Management in Bahrain Market."Transport and Telecommunication14, no. 1 (2013): 13-19. Medudula, M.K., Sagar, M. and Gandhi, R.P., 2016. Telecommunication Standards and Growth: Evolutionary Process. InTelecom Management in Emerging Economies(pp. 1-17). Springer India.

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